In August 2016, Art Schop experienced what would perhaps be most typically described as an extra-terrestrial contact. The Starguide, a benevolent shepherd to the inhabitants of distressed civilizations, age-old and of surpassing wisdom, revealed to Art Schop the trajectory of the human race, its past and its future, urging him to try to communicate this knowledge to the rest of humankind. The album Starguide is the product of this encounter.
In The Street is the first single from Starguide
Followed by the second single Farm in Mars
An exclusive video series for Starguide is available to the Art Schop Community. See further details here: https://in.artschop.com/art-schop-community
Production: Malcolm Cecil & Martin G. Walker
Words and Music: Walker
Lyrics to “In The Street” adapted from “A Star Has Fallen” by Fernán Silva Valdés
Vocals: Walker
Guitars, Keyboards, Programming, Percussion: Walker
Melody Guitar on “Left Hand”: John Bosch
Drums/percussion, Lead Guitar on “Proxima B”: T. Xiques
Mixing and Essential contributions: Bryce Goggin
Mastering: Jessica Thompson
Cover art: William Chajin
Graphic Design: Andrew B. White